One of the most essential tasks you need to accomplish when venturing into the world of online business is establishing your name. Just like in any other industry, you need to build your name in the community you’re in, as this will serve as your ticket to finding partners, customers, and of course, an audience.
An established name is what most of today’s successful entrepreneurs have. They no longer find it difficult to locate new markets because their reputation precedes them. The good thing about establishing a name is that you don’t necessarily have to spend a lot time building on it-you only have to be in the right platforms.

If you’re currently starting out an online business, then here are 3 surefire ways that you can do to build your name:
1. Begin with the domain name. One of the most influential bloggers/online marketers today, Jeff Bullas, has been taking care of his business blog for a few years now, and it’s aptly titled The same goes with kid blogger Carl Ocab, who started out in the business during his high school years. You may think they are narcissistic, but no-they actually invested on their name to establish a reputation in the online community. Their names, which are used on their domain addresses, gave them instant recall to their audiences, which is something you may want to follow as well.
Having a domain name that best describes you and your business is very important because this will serve as your ID to your market. The succeeding steps towards online business success will actually come as a breeze later on, because they’ll be the one to get to use, and not the other way around.
2. Be on social media. There’s a reason to be on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn if you’re into making money online-you need to be virtually present. Setting up profiles on social media allows you to reach out to your audience, as most of them are on these platforms as well. You immediately add people with the same interest as yours and start with discussions with them. You can also participate in already established groups and showcase what your business has to offer for them to check out.
Being present in social media is also helpful in increasing your page rankings in Google searches. When a user types your name during a search query, your blog or site may not necessarily be on top of the search rankings, but your social media profiles may occupy the spot.
3. Do guest postings. In order to make a reputable name in the industry, you may want to be proactive in making guest appearances in other people’s blogs. Guest blogging has become very popular lately because it promotes organic and informative content, and at the same time it strengthens network ties between different online entrepreneurs without using social media. You may want to start with submitting guest posts to fellow bloggers, then contribute to more established community sites that tackle your niche for better and wider exposure.