Dog Befriends Boy with Down Syndrome

2 min


A yellow Labrador Retriever did not give up on befriending a 3-year-old boy with Down Syndrome, despite the latter not wanting to be friends with him at first.

According to the boy’s mother Ana, Hernan actually shies away from contact and does not want to be touched – even by his own parents. But Himalaya, the Labrador, just wouldn’t accept “no” as an answer. Despite Hernan not wanting to be her friend, she gently insisted that they play.


Ana pointed out that Himalaya, who is owned by Hernan’s uncle, had never been aggressive towards the boy but had only wanted to make friends by persistently trying to get the child’s attention.

Himalaya’s efforts paid off. Little by little, Hernan warmed up to the dog.


In the touching interaction that Ana caught on camera outside their home in La Plata in Buenos Aires, Himalaya could be seen trying to befriend Hernan while the boy was reluctant at first. While many kids enjoy playing with dogs and are not afraid to touch even the fierce ones, Hernan was shy and did not like the dog’s playful character.

But as Himalaya continued to nudge him and trying to be his friend, they eventually found the connection and the dog would later be seen patting the boy on the shoulder, as if to say, “That’s good! You are such a good boy…

dog-boy-down-syndromeThe clip, taken in May 2012, had since gone viral and has been viewed close to 20 million times on Facebook when it was reposted by Jim Stenson who was contacted by Ana to feature the video on his channel.

Watch this beautiful video and be touched by this wonderful interaction between the dog and the child here

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