Transformers Robots: Collectible Items for Kuya

1 min


My two boys were born 9 years apart – the eldest is 10 and the youngest is 1 (with a 4-year-old princess in between). I am not so sure right now if the large gap between the boys would be a hindrance for them to bond in the future but that’s another story. What I want to share now is Kuya’s new fascination for collectible action figures, particularly the Transformers series.

Superman – my pet name for the hubby – loves the Transformers movies so much that he watches them over and over again. He’s watched it a gazillion times that the kids are beginning to spout dialogs from the movies while they watch.

It was Christmas in 2012 that he bought our eldest his first Transformers action figure. Well, it was him who had fun putting and arranging the pieces together that first time, really. Since then, they both got hooked.

Our family budget covers all our basic needs, with a little extra for emergencies and the kids’ educational funds but we also take 5% each month for a rewards’ fund for the whole family. So, when Kuya ranked third in their class at the end of the last school year, Superman got money from our rewards’ fund to buy him another Transformers robot.

His first was Megatron and the second, Bumblebee. I admit I loved the little yellow car better than his first one.


Our son understands that he got the collector’s item as a reward for his good work in school. I noticed that this new school year, he worked extra hard to finish his assignments early and still have time to do some extra reading before going to bed.

In the past, I had always scoffed at the idea of rewarding kids for good behavior or an excellent job in school. But seeing my eldest show enthusiasm in school because of last year’s reward made me rethink and change my stand. The rewards system is truly great for motivation.

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